Justin Piché
Professeur, Département de criminologie, UOttawa
Justin Piché, PhD, est professeur agrégé au Département de criminologie et co-directeur de la rédaction du Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (JPP) publié par les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa où les articles sont écrits principalement par des prisonniers et ex-prisonniers (www.jpp.org).
Ferguson, M., Walby, K., Piché, J.. (2023). ‘Found this (police museum) on Tripadvisor’: A Critical Analysis of Reviews on a Social Media and Travel Network, Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, Volume 23, Issue 2, 87-105.
Piché, J., Walby, K. (2022). Policing Criminological Knowledge on Imprisonment in Pandemic Times: Confronting Opacity and Navigating Corporatization in Prison Research, Canadian Journal of Sociology, Volume 46, Issue 4, 345-370.
Mussell, L., Walby, K., Piché, J. (2022). ‘Sadly, my group was ‘hanged’ at the end of the evening’: The Politics of Deservingness and Representation at Carceral-Themed Escape Rooms, Leisure / Loisir, Volume Early View, 1-27.
Mussell, L., Walby, K., Piché, J. (2021) Relationships of Embeddedness and Indebtedness: An Analysis of Carceral-Capital-Charity Politics in Kingston, Ontario, Crime, Law and Social Change, Volume 77, Issue 1, 47-68.
Mussell, L., Walby, K., Piché, J. (2021). ‘Can you make it out alive?’ Penal Imaginaries at Forts, Sanitaria, Asylums, and Segregated Schools, Qualitative Criminology, Volume 10, Issue 3, 1-39.
Speight, Sarah, Jarrod Shook, Justin Piché et Kevin Walby (2020). Special Issue: Prison (In)justice in Canada at a Crossroads. Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, 28(2), 1-194.